Sometimes the old becomes a classic, the outdated turns retro, and the antiquated becomes vintage. Euphemisms overflow when the purpose is to declare that something – or behavior – has simply become old.
When it comes to a haircut or a car, it can be fun, but when what is at stake is your life or the life of the person next to you, your attachment to the obsolete can cost much more than money.
Technology in the use of force advances in geometric progression. Every day, new objects, accessories, and, above all, techniques emerge. Much of them, of course, are just marketing products with no real efficacy except for the sellers. However, a small portion is substantiated by the culmination of years of learning and the state of the art in the relevant science.
In your training, it may be interesting, occasionally, to impose a difficulty resulting from the obsolescence of your equipment, such as using black steel sights, for example.
In combat, however, what is desired is to use all available technological means to gain the maximum advantage. Do not skimp on the best electronic sight on the market. What is at stake is your safety.
The same applies to training. World War II was fought with basically no resemblance to today’s techniques, tactics, and equipment. Probably any army from the 1940s would not last 10 minutes against a modern army.
Leave your ego out of the combat. It will not save your life. Technology will.
Nice content! Thanks for sharing!