Making your own ammo can be an amazing and entertaining endeavor. There are some reasons that people might not think justify the need to learn how to reload and why you should do so. Let’s dive in.
- Economy: As ammo prices rise around the globe, it’s important to remember that reloading your own ammo is cheaper than buying it new. When you reuse the brass, it’s possible to save a significant portion of the cost per round.
- Specificity: When you make your own ammo, you can choose how it’s assembled. You have control over the weight of the projectile, the type and quantity of gunpowder, the crimp, and more. This means you can have a round that the market wouldn’t be able to provide.
- Storage: It’s better to store the components of a round separately for several reasons:
- a) If you lose some of them due to storage conditions or unexpected events, you’re less likely to lose everything.
- b) It’s safer, especially when considering burglars or unwanted access.
- c) It’s more cost-effective to have the equivalent of 10,000 rounds disassembled compared to ready-to-go rounds.
- d) You don’t need to stock just one kind of ammo; when you store the components separately, you can assemble rounds as needed.
- Scarcity: If you’ve ever experienced the disappearance of certain rounds from the market, you know how frustrating it can be to have a firearm without its ammo. While it’s uncommon for common calibers, it can happen with exotic rounds. If you have your components, you don’t depend on the market to provide you with exotic rounds. You can assemble them yourself whenever you want.
- It’s Fun: Yes, reloading ammo can be fun, and I’ll prove it. The first time my wife (then my girlfriend) visited my house, I asked her to help me reload some cartridges (Yes, I swear to you). The day after, we went to the range and used those rounds. I’m pretty sure that this, besides my beautiful smile, was what made her fall in love with me.

If you haven’t yet started learning how to reload your ammo, consider starting right now. It can help you provide the ammo you need in a safer and more economical way, all while having fun. Who knows, maybe you’ll even find your future wife.
Stay safe!